Julian Cho, L.Ac., decided to pursue a career in acupuncture as he was first coming out and exploring his gender identity in New York City. Witnessing the “dire need for accessible health care and support within the Queer and Trans community,” Julian says he wanted “to find a way to be of help to friends and community members.”
Julian graduated with a Master’s in Acupuncture (MSAc.) from Pacific College in New York City and has been practicing in private and community acupuncture settings since. Julian loves how acupuncture is a way to communicate with the body, saying that “it centers the patient as a source of healing rather than a site of illness.”
At Olo Acupuncture, Julian will see community acupuncture patients on Wednesdays and Saturdays. “Accessibility and agency are key to healing, and the community environment also tends to create a synergistic effect where individual healing becomes part of a larger whole.”
Julian works well with patients experiencing chronic pain or illness and post-traumatic stress. “Patients often come in with neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, stress, insomnia, and digestive issues, among other things—many of these symptoms have underlying emotional components. I like to help guide patients through these different layers of well-being.”
Julian plays a key role in my healing. Through years of chronic pain, he’s eased my pain through treatment and also helped me navigate the emotional roots of its being. They are truly committed to their patients’ holistic needs. When things feel difficult, I know that my sessions with Julian provide the safe space I need to heal, especially as a queer person.