Intra-Oral Massage

Intra-Oral Facial Massage

Intra-Oral Facial Massage is a natural face-lifting method with both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.

Our faces contain a map of our lived experiences, with each emotion, expression, and reaction recorded. An intra-oral facial massage starts with long, relaxing strokes and precise muscle releases that help melt away the resulting depressions, wrinkles, and tension.

Next, using a gloved hand, your provider massages inside your mouth–including your lips, cheek, and jaw–which targets the vagus and facial nerves and allows for a more focused release of the muscles and lymphatics than is possible with only an external technique.

We then conclude with full-body acupuncture to reset the sympathetic nervous system and further promote relaxation and ease.

Intra-oral facial massage relieves pain from TMJ, headaches, and teeth clenching.

Beyond pain relief, the relaxation of facial muscles and the activation of the lymphatic system promote a sculpted and more youthful appearance without the need for invasive procedures or downtime, helping you look and feel your best.

A series of 3-6 weekly treatments are recommended, followed by periodic maintenance treatments thereafter.

$220 for 90-minute Session

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"The gentle guidance of Meghan's practice connected me to new and enriched understandings of myself. Intuitive and measured, Meghan ensures their work is accessible and collaborative. Their ability to empathetically and actively listen to their client's experience is a testament to their skill as a practitioner.

I felt encouraged, supported, and connected throughout our sessions, and I am deeply grateful for their care and knowledge.
Meghan is a wonder, and their practice is a true gift!”

Ellie R.